Porcelain Stoneware

Ceramic Stove, Type Of Ceramomit
Fulled ceramogenite is shy, glitter and beauty. It s a great choice to create a luxury interior where each detail pays special attention where there s no change. But that doesn t mean that a half-encompassed ceramocrite is not affordable. To buy a cafeteria, a structured ceramolimit, a ceramic stove…

Keramic Stove, Ceramolimit
Information and characteristics of the Keramogenite (keramic granite) is artificial material produced by the semi-arid press of the mixture of mineral components. Depending on the receptor, the composition may include caolin, white glin, melting (pegmatites, field scapes), quartz sand, water. The mixture…

Ceramolimits The Floor To The Ceramic Stove
The ceramic park is a combination of convenience, beauty and accessibility in the selection of floor coatings. The wood stove has all the advantages of the ceramics when the sex is separated is the ease of laying, the possibility of awarm-up, amenities in operation, durability. Normal keramics are mainly…

Ceramic Ceramo-Border Plate
The plate may have a wide range of density and, as a consequence, different water absorption. If the stove is too porous, it quickly absorbs the moisture from the adorable layer. He s drying up without having a strong connection to the cause. Keramogrenet has almost zero water-vamping, its too tight…

Ceramic Stove Ceramolimits Mosaic
One of the most demanded interior sequential materials is mosaic. It provides bathrooms, saunas and swimming pools, kitchens and parishes. Glass mosaic is often used to process bathroom interiors. Main advantages of such material: strength and originality. Today the mosaic industry uses glass, ceramics…