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In the Russians, we'll have to make sure that KwaRTIRs are in the new DISP.
The developers themselves are interested in selling " key " housing
In the coming years, Russians may prohibit the sale of apartments in new structures without separation. As the Director of the Housing Policy Department of Minstroya said in the day, in the near future, the development of criteria according to which minimum separation could become a mandatory attribute of new housing. And then concrete boxes will go back in time.
In Russia, it is possible to prohibit the sale of apartments in new structures without separation. Now you can't remember at what point this important construction phase was almost completely eliminated, but one thing is clear: people are not ready to buy a half-fib for a lot of money. Two thirds of the potential buyers of low-cost real estate have expressed their desire to acquire housing ready for settlement. In two years, the number of projects with separation in all segments of the capital market has doubled, from 11 in 2014 to 23 in 2016. However, in the primary market of Moscow and New Moscow, the proportion of housing units offering apartments with the finishing strip is still small - only 12 per cent, in Podmoskovje - 16 per cent.
The " key " apartments provide for the complete finishing of the floors, ceilings and walls in all the premises, the separation of electricity and the installation of plumbing. Unlike Soviet times, when happy tenants sat in apartments that are a copier, the developers are developing 3-4 hard solutions for ready housing. Some buyers love a bright environment, others are minimism, and thirds draw to classic elements. Steel combines simplicity and modification. In addition, future tenants may choose to separate, depending on the amount they are willing to spend. The basic option is ideal for customers operating minimum budgets or wishing to subsequently rent, comfort and business for a long, cozy life. For example, in one of the submarine innovations, future residents could themselves participate in the creation of their own interface. They could choose one of the five types of separation, combining in any combination of 9 variants for walls, 5 types of surfaces and intercomponent doors, and 5 options Sanzul plates♪
The value of the finish line from the developer in the submarine housing units begins. ♪ ♪
The economic advantage of repairs from the developer is now understood by all buyers irrespective of the budget, so the ready housing is chosen by people of different sizes - by Director General IKON Development Evgeny Akimov. Only companies willing to take care of their clients and offer the best option in their class for less money can compete today. For example, in the first half of the year, one of the large housing units was sold as much as in 2015.
♪ The demand for ready accommodation is significantly higher than the offer, by the Managing Partner of the Metrium Group, Maria Litineskaya. There is a clear trend towards an increase in the proportion of apartments fully prepared for settlement. For example, in every fourth regional project that entered the market in the first half of this year, there is a proposal with a separation. In addition, housing with repairs from the developer was provided in seven other projects in operation. The availability of such proposals allows developers to increase sales by 20 to 30 per cent and buyers to save time and money for repairs. Therefore, the proportion of ready housing will continue to increase in the coming years. If the duty of the developers to rent " key " apartments is laid down by law, the " concrete boxes " will finally go back to the past, as in European markets where housing is not sold without separation.
There's another reason why a half-fabricate goes back. In the current economic environment, not all the customers of the mass segment can afford to repair the apartment by their own means. Even the small nuns ' most budgeted cutting costs buyers about 1 million roubles. For many, this amount is critical. And even finding money to buy naked quadrant meters, people are forced to refuse to buy, not live in cave conditions. When repairs are offered by the developer, the amount is reduced by about a third. Simply put, the developers are directly interested in selling "packed" apartments.
However, apartments with repairs were also distributed in expensive dining facilities. According to experts, the premier builder met at 1, 8 times more. "Of course, the question of savings on repairs to secured buyers is not as pressing as in the mass segment Maria Litineskaya notes. ♪ ♪