Keramic Stove Vertical

The establishment of an inexorable and attractive bath design depends largely on the materials used. The most popular solution for the bathroom is the ceramic stove. The operational and design capabilities of this material provide a truly unique and reliable coating. The variety of drawings and broad colour gammas can translate the boldest solutions, while using different bathing stove design options visually increase and illuminate the internal space.
Putting a design on paper is a public way.
The first thing we have to do is create a design bath that will visualize a certain method of laying, colour gamma and stove painting. To this end, a professional designer can be approached or made on its own in a special computer program. A simpler solution would be to draw such a project from hand on the paper sheet. It depends on your creative abilities and abilities. By creating various options for stoves in the bathtub, one can choose the most attractive and put it into practice.

It's very convenient to use a computer program for design-project design-- you can change everything at any time.
It's important! The stove is a full visual display of the future cafeteria of the walls and floors of the room, describing the size, artics and plate names.
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It should be noted that visual perception of the premises is influenced by the colour and size of the stove. It is therefore worth remembering:
- Blade of light shades and small sizes visually expands the space;
- The stove of dark shades narrows or defines the boundaries and areas of the bath;
- The horizontal method of laying extends the space and vertically adds to it heights;
- also for visual increase On the floor should be diagonized;
- In order to visually increase the space by drawing, it must be located across the bathroom;
- The vertical position of the fries and the counterfeit strips of the stove at the corners of the room will add heights;
- In addition to adding the height, the decorating elements should be placed at the eye level or slightly higher.
All existing methods of ceramic lining are variations on basic standards.