Ceramic Stove

This phenomenon occurs quite frequently after the length of the cafeteria. There is no need to completely remove the entire café from the wall to repair the stove.
Standardly, when the stove was broken, the solution on which it was held remains on the wall. If you try to put a splinter in her old place, she won't be on it in most cases. To put the product back, it needs to be stacked by a rock on the perimeter. After that, we'll have to put the PWA's glue on both the back of the depressed café and the place where the stove was held, and squeeze the stick. After that, the stove will be kept in the old place until the solution that always held it falls off.
If the cafeteria plate begins to deviate from the wall with a cement-pest mixture, it should be removed to the ground. In this case, there is an incorrect preparation of the base under the stove. The wall needs to be cleared from the residues of concrete, paint, scapula, after which the surface must be leveled by solution. It's important to make sure after laying and stove Turns out to be at the same level with the other street material on the wall.
Most of the cafeteria described in the article can be ordered at www. with delivery to any region of Russia with as short a time as possible. Also, any other tub, kitchen, mosaic or ceramic granite from the store's range on the most price-efficient and comfortable conditions for you.