Ceramic Non-Regulated For Gender

The necessary information on the material may be obtained by means of non-chemical pictograms on the plug. For example:
- The image of the hand bone corresponds to the plug for the walls;
- foot - floorboard;
- Snow means freeze;
- an image of the foot in the shaded background - elevated wear;
- a stratified flame badge with a figure 1 or 2 means the number of stoves, etc.
There are ceramic stoves for a variety of purposes and facilities, but there are no universal stoves suitable for any purpose and for any room. The stove shall be selected taking into account the aesthetic and technical functions to be performed by the stoves.
Consider a few examples of the choice of stoves for different premises, housing, public and production. In the bathroom, rooms should be chosen in favour of stoves with high chemical characteristics (especially acidic). For floors, it is recommended that stoves should be used with a grade of I and II. In the kitchen, stoves with particularly strong mechanical and chemical characteristics should be used, with low porosity, with a class III of styreness.
For the lobby and corridors in the residential house, high-grade stoves - III and IV should be selected and at the entrance used non-regulated ceramic stoves or ceramic granite. Attention should also be drawn to the surface characteristics of the stove (solidity, resistance to pollutants, chemical effects, purity), to the possible effects of other parameters, such as colour, chromatic structure or glazing (with the wear of the stove increasing its contamination, glowing glacier and single-ton surfaces:
For public premises (shops, cafes, hotels, etc.), frosted or unregulated stoves with high degrees of hardness, endurance (Class IV or V), resistance to pollutants and chemical exposure should be used.
For the sexes of industrial enterprises, a stove with a sealed base (low porosity) will be suitable, as it has a higher mechanical characteristics, as well as perhaps a greater thickness, so the limit of strength of such material will be higher.