How To Put A Ceramic Plate On The Floor

The wooden floor, like the plywood, can also be stacked without particular problems, but in this case the floor should be fully demobilized, flat and long. Once the surface is prepared, all debris and dust shall be removed. Let's go to the next stage.
Hydro-insulation is an important component of our renovation in the bathroom and the kitchen. Of course, in some cases this step may be missed, but specialists generally recommend the hydro-isolation of any room where there is a plumbing. This technology requirement will protect you and your neighbours from water leaks to the lower floors or the basement.
Read also: The electric warm floor with its hands! - Just, cheap and fast.
First, we need to take care of the hydration surface on the floor.
In addition to the surface being processed, attention should also be paid to walls, in particular to which water will be permanently attacked. Specialists recommend " raising " a hydrosulation layer of 10 to 20 centimetres from the floor.
There's a few kinds of hydrosulation. It is possible to make a choice in favour of protective materials that are leached.
If only the floor is to be saved from the water, we're going to draw attention to the lipstick. This method has improved hydro-isolative properties and all necessary actions can be implemented with his hands♪
Before the defensive layer is applied, the surface of the ground shall be treated, which will ensure a good clutch with the floor. The next stage will be a protective layer.
Simple method of hydro-isulation
- The dry mixture of protective material shall be divorced with water until the uniform mass is obtained. The prepared mixture is put on the floor with a special valley or a brush like a photo.
This has to be done on flat sites, corners and other hard-to-reach locations, and can be accessed by a hepater.
- It is recommended that a hydro-insulated ribbon should be installed in areas where there are clashes.
- In addition to the floor, the walls should be hydrolysed and the proposed floor should be taken into account.
- Protection layers need to be applied in several layers. The approximate interval is between 5 and 7 hours. Once the last layer has been filled, the floor must be kept within 24 hours.
Colour method of hydro-isolation
This is an alternative to a vain method, and it is more light and easy to repair with its hands. A special hydro-isolating emulsion (Flachendicht, Knauf) is used here, which is applied to the surface by means of a valley. The main lack of method is this Not longitudeabout five years.